The company's members regularly participate in national and international conferences and professional events and have presented numerous papers, several of which have been published in international journals.
Representative papers and presentations authored by our team members, are given in the following list.
Presentations - Publications List | |
Updating hydrologic studies and the impact on hydraulic design Daniil E., Michas S. 17th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (CEST 2021), Athens, Greece |
Sep 2021 |
Potential Dam Breach Analysis and Flood Wave Risk Assessment Using HEC-RAS and Remote Sensing Data: A Multicriteria Approach Emmanouil Psomiadis, Lefteris Tomanis, Antonis Kavvadias, Kostas Soulis, Spyros Michas, Nikos Charizopoulos Water 2021, 13, 364. |
Jan 2021 |
Use of ArcGIS in the design of highway flood protection works Dimas P., A. Filippidou, G. Aerakis, E. Daniil, S. Michas 27th Panhellenic Meeting of ArcGIS Users |
May 2019 |
DAM BREAK ANALYSIS AND FLOOD WAVE ROUTING USING HEC-RAS AND UNMANNED AERIAL SYSTEM 3D DIGITAL MODEL DATA, THE CASE OF BRAMIANOS DAM, CRETE Emmanouil Psomiadis, Lefteris Tomanis, Antonis Kavvadias, Spyros Michas 11th International Hydrogeological Congress, Athens-Agricultural University… |
Oct 2017 |
Finding optimal policies for reservoir system management through stochastic simulation: the case of Bramianos-Myrtos irrigation system in Ierapetra, Crete Panagiotis Dimas, E. I. Daniil, Spyros Michas, Lefteris Tomanis, S. L. Lazaridou… |
Oct 2017 |
Hydrologic issues in demarcation studies of watercourses in Greece E. I. Daniil, Spyros Michas, G.s. Aerakis 15th International Conference on Environmental Science And Technology. Rhodes, Greece… |
Sep 2017 |
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) data analysis for fertilization dose assessment Antonis Kavvadias, Emmanouil Psomiadis, Maroulio Chanioti, Leonidas Toulias, Nicholas Dercas Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology… |
May 2017 |
THE USE OF INNOVATIVE REMOTE SENSING OBSERVATIONS (UAV) IN PRECISION AGRICULTURE Antonis Kavvadias, Emmanouil Psomiadis, Maroulio Chanioti, Eleni Gala, Spyros Michas 1ο Συνέδριο Γεωγραφικών Πληροφοριακών Συστημάτων και Χωρικής Ανάλυσης στη Γεωργία και στο Περιβάλλον… |
May 2015 |
Drought and Water Scarcity Management Plan for the Peloponnese River Basin Districts S.Michas, A.Eustratiadis, K.Nikolaou, N.Mamassis 12th International Conference “Protection & Restoration of the Environment” |
Jul 2014 |
Achelloos project hydropower potential Dr Spyros Michas presented by Managing Director, Dr Spyros Michas in the Athens Energy Forum held in Hotel Grand Bretagne |
Mar 2014 |
Comparison of mathematical models for flood wave propagation resulting from hypothetical Agiokampos dam break S.N. Michas, K.I. Nikolaou, Μ.N. Pikounis, S.L.Lazaridou 2nd Hellenic Large Dams and Reservoirs Conference, Athens |
Nov 2013 |
Technical and geotechnical aspects during the construction and initial impoundment of Aposelemis dam in Crete island L. Somakos, S. Lazaridou, I. Karapanagiotis, A.Gkiolas, S. Michas, A.Kotsonis, M.Kavvadas, P.Marinos 2nd Hellenic Large Dams and Reservoirs Conference, Athens |
Nov 2013 |
Χρήση του Infowater – Innovyze & ArcGIS στην ενοποίηση του συστήματος ύδρευσης δημοτικών διαμερισμάτων του Δήμου Καρδίτσας Σ. Μίχας, Ε. Γκατζογιάννη 21η Πανελλήνια Συνάντηση Χρηστών ArcGIS, Crowne Plaza Hotel |
May 2013 |
Implementation of Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC at the 3 River Basin Districts of Peloponnese S.N. Michas, K.I.Nikolaou, T.K.Tsialas 2nd national conference of ΕΥΕ-ΕΕΔΥΠ |
Oct 2012 |
Systematic approach for ungaged basins’ discharge determination in Western Peloponnese Daniil Ε.Ι., Michas S.N., Nikolaou K. and Lazaridis L.S. Global NEST Journal, Vol 14, No 3, pp 344-353. |
Jul 2012 |
Investigation of irrigation network losses in Thessaly Gkiokas,A., S. Michas and C. Makropoulos Proc. of Protection and Restoration of the Environment XI conference, Thessaloniki |
Jul 2012 |
Sizing of River Training Works for Sediment Control in Oraiokastro (Thessaloniki) area, Greece Daniil, E.I. S.L. Lazaridou and S.N. Michas Conf. Protection and Restoration of the Environment XI, Thessaloniki, Greece, pp. 2616-2625. |
Jul 2012 |
Geological and Geotechnical Issues in the Construction of Gadouras Dam, Rhodes Island S. Lazaridou, Μ. Kavvadas, V. Perleros, L. Somakos, P. Marinos 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, “Geotechnics of Hard Soils – Weak Rocks”, Athens, Greece, Vol.2, pp.1159-1164. The Paper was presented by S. Lazaridou on discussion session 4.1:”Embankments and Dams” |
Sep 2011 |
Geotechnical Aspects of Aposelemis Dam in Crete Island I. Karapanagiotis, L. Somakos, A. Gkiolas, S. Lazaridou, Μ. Kavvadas, P. Marinos accepted paper, 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, “Geotechnics of Hard Soils – Weak Rocks”, Athens, Greece, Vol.2, pp.1153-1158 |
Sep 2011 |
Systematic approach for ungaged basins’ discharge determination in Western Peloponnese Daniil Ε.Ι., Michas S.N., Nikolaou K. and Lazaridis L.S. 12th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (CEST2011), Rodos, Greece. |
Sep 2011 |
Hydrologic and hydraulic computations for watercourse demarcation in Greece E.I. Daniil, S.N. Michas and G.S. Aerakis 6th Int. Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics, Athens, Greece. |
Jun 2010 |
Use of digital elevation models for the determination of stormwater discharges for highway and railway projects E.I. Daniil and S.N. Michas 33rd IAHR Congress, Water Engineering for a sustainable environment, Vancouver, BC, Canada. |
Aug 2009 |
Geological and Geotechnical aspects confronted during the Gadoura Dam construction – Project technical data P.Marinos, Μ.Kavvadas, Α.Kotsonis, L.Somakos, V.Perleros, S.Lazaridou presented by S.Lazaridou, 1st Hellenic Large Dams Conference, Larissa |
Nov 2008 |
Geotechnical aspects of Aposelemis dam in Crete island – Project technical data Μ.Kavvadas, Α.Kotsonis, L.Somakos, Α. Giolas, S.Lazaridou 1st Hellenic Large Dams Conference, Larissa |
Nov 2008 |
On the determination of design discharges in ungaged basins for highway and railway projects E.I. Daniil, S.N. Michas and L.S. Lazaridis Conf. Protection and Restoration of the Environment IX, Kefalonia, Greece |
Jul 2008 |
Discussion of “Factors Affecting Estimates of Average Watershed Slope” by A. Jason Hill and Vincent S. Neary E.I. Daniil and S.N. Michas Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 133-140, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)1084-0699(2005)10:2(133), J. of Hydrologic Engineering, ASCE, p. 382-384. |
Aug 2006 |
On the hydrologic analysis for water resources management in aegean islands S.N. Michas, M.N. Pikounis, I. Nalbantis, P.L. Lazaridou and E.I. Daniil Proc. of the Int. Conf. Protection and Restoration of the Environment VIII, Chania, Crete, Greece |
Jul 2006 |
Hydrologic Modeling for the determination of design discharges in ungauged basins Ε.Ι. Daniil, S.N. Michas and L.S. Lazaridis Global NEST Journal, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 296-305. |
Nov 2005 |
Hydrologic modeling considerations for flood management in ungaged basins Ε.Ι. Daniil and L.S. Lazaridis 9th Int. Conf. on Environmental Science and Technology, Rhodes island, Greece, Th. Lekkas (ed)., Greece. |
Sep 2005 |
Practical Issues for Flood Management of Watercourses Running though Urban Environments in Greece E.I. Daniil and L.S. Lazaridis 2005 Watershed Management Conference, Managing Watersheds for Human and natural Impacts: Engineering, Ecological and Economic Challenges, ASCE, Williamsburg, Virginia. |
Jul 2005 |
Γενικές αρχές περιβαλλοντικού σχεδιασμού αντιπλημμυρικών έργων Αικ. Δανιήλ,. Π. Λαζαρίδου, Σ. Μίχας Ημερίδα Αντιπλημμυρικής Προστασίας Αττικής, ΤΕΕ |
Nov 2004 |
Integrated environmental and hydraulic design of Xerias river, Corinthos, Greece, training works P.L. Lazaridou, E.I. Daniil, S.N. Michas, P.N. Papanicolaou, L.S. Lazarides Water, Air, & Soil Pollution: Focus/ Protection and Restoration of the Environment, 4 (4-5): 319-330, October 2004, Kluwer Academic Publishers B.V., Guest Editor(s): Liakopoulos/ Kungolos/ Korfiatis. |
Oct 2004 |
Flood management and control in an urban environment - Diakoniaris case study Ε.Ι. Daniil, S. Michas, G. Bouklis, P.L. Lazaridou & L.S. Lazarides Riverflow 2004, Proceedings of the Second Int. Conf. on Fluvial Hydraulics, Vol. 2, pp. 1411-1420, M. Greco et al (eds), A.A. Balkema Publishers. (Poster presentation at the conference held in Napoli, Italy, June 23-25, 2004). |
Jun 2004 |
Designer’s concerns on the effect of rainfall distribution on dam and diversion works sizing E.I. Daniil and L.S. Lazarides IAHR XXX Congress, Thessaloniki, GREECE, 24-29 August 2003, Theme B: 95-102. |
Aug 2003 |
On the application of digital modeling in the design of the training works of river Xerias in Corinthos, Greece S. Michas, P. Papanikolaou, E. Daniil, L. Lazarides Proc. of the Fifth Int. Conf. on Hydroinformatics, Cardiff UK, Hydroinformatics 2002, Vol. 2: Software Tools and management Systems, pp. 1031-1036, I.D. Cluckie et al (eds). (Conf. held at Cardiff University, 1~ 5 July 2002). |
Jul 2002 |